Mass Times
Liturgy of the Word for Children offered at the 11:15 Mass
Daily Mass - Tuesday thru Friday - 9 a.m.
Saturdays - 3:00 - 3:45
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News You Can Use
Welcome Father Binesh Joseph Kanjirakattu
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Reverend Binesh Joseph Kanjirakattu as Senior Priest for St. Ann Parish, St. John Neumann Parish, and St. Vincent de Paul Parish. Fr. Binesh comes to the Diocese of Scranton from the Heralds of Good News Order in India. He was raised in Kerala, India, as one of several siblings and was ordained to the priesthood in 2012. Fr. Binesh has served in a variety of roles, including Associate Pastor, School Manager, Seminary Finance Administrator, Province Secretary, and Parochial Vicar. With his rich background and commitment to ministry, we warmly welcome Fr. Binesh to our parishes and the Pike County community.
Daily Mass, 9 a.m. - Tuesday thru Friday in the chapel
Sanctuary Candle - The red Sanctuary Lamp near the tabernacle burns as a symbol of Christ's presence. If you would like the candle to burn in memory of a loved one, for a special occasion or intention, please contact the parish office (570-686-4545.) The cost is $10, and the candle will burn for one week with your memorial published in the bulletin.
Part-Time Maintenance Position Available - please contact the parish office for further details
Lent - The following fast and abstinence regulations are observed:
- Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence
- Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence
- All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and on all Fridays during Lent
- All Catholics over 18 years of age to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meal and two smaller meals unless dispensed or excused
Lenten Activities
- The Light Is On For You - sacrament of reconcilliation every Tuesdays of Lent from 6:30-8 p.m.
- Supper and Stations - Fridays during Lent, light supper at 5:30, Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m.
- April 13 - Palm Sunday, Masses Saturday 4 p.m., Sunday 8:30 and 11 a.m.
March 29, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Tea Ladies for Mary present Bridge of Roses, The Story of Our Lady of the Cape in the parish hall. Includes a morning of faith, fellowship, and reflection centered on Our Blessed Mother. Registration opens the weekend of March 15 and continues through March 23 in the Narthex of St. Vincent. Limited to 50 people.
March 30, 12:15 p.m. - Farewell luncheon for Janine Egan who has served in our parish's music ministry for over 30 years. Cold buffet luncheon in the parish hall after the 11:15 Mass. Please RSVP by March 23 by calling the parish office at 570-686-4545.
April 5, 10 a.m. - Pray the rosary in the chapel with fellow parishioners, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Rosaries provided if needed.
April 5 and 6 - Stitchers and Crafters spring sale in parish hall. Freshly baked goods, gifts for the whole family, money tree, raffle baskets and 50/50. Saturday 12 - 6 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Refreshments available. All proceeds benefit the Sharing Fund benefiting those in need in our community.
April 10, 5 p.m. - Learn about Saint Paula, Desert Mother, at the next Stellar Saints presentation via Zoom. Register to receive the connection information.
April 13, 9 - 11 a.m. - Breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in the parish hall. Join fellow parishioners for a full hot breakfast. Cost $5/person, maximum $20/family.
April 17, 7 p.m. - Holy Thursday Mass
April 18, 3 p.m. - Good Friday Service
April 19, noon - Blessing of Easter food baskets
April 19, 8 p.m. - Easter Vigil Mass
April 20 - Easter Sunday, Masses 8:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Office Hours
(570) 686-4545
Catholic Ministries Appeal
The Diocesan Annual Appeal is an invitation for all parishioners throughout the Diocese of Scranton to join together in a mission of faith, service and love. Your generosity directly impacts the lives of individuals and families by providing suport for clergy, Catholic Social Services, Faith Formation, Catholic education, Catholic communications and parish life. We have reached 56% of our $36,520 goal. Thank you to those who have contributed. To make a donation to this year's Annual Appeal, click here or call (570) 207-2250.
Grow+Go content is designed to help parishioners understand what it means to be an evangelizing disciple of Christ. Using the Sunday Scriptures as the basis for reflection, Grow+Go offers insight into how we can all more fully GROW as disciples and then GO evangelize, fulfilling Christ's Great Commission to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) The concept behind the weekly series is to make discipleship and evangelization simple, concrete and relatable. Look for Grow+Go on our parish website, Facebook and St. Vincent's Updates weekly email.
Ongoing Parish Activities
Eucharistic Adoration, Wednesdays - after the daily Mass in the chapel until 11 a.m.
Sharing the Sunday Readings, Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. - Meetings are via Zoom. You can participate from the comfort of your kitchen table and p.j.s. The upcoming Sunday scriptures are read and discussion follows on how they impact our lives today, how they give us guidance and direction, and help us to prepare for Mass by becoming familiar with The Word of God. You can join us any Tuesday you are able, and can participate as much or as little as you wish. Come and bring your wisdom to our group and become part of our family. For more information please email Diane Quintiliani
In-Person Coffee Hour, after 8:30 Sunday Mass - Reconnect with other parish members with coffee, tea, baked goods and fellowship. Held in the parish hall each Sunday.
Loaves and Fishes Gift Cards - available for purchase in the narthex before and after all weekend Masses. The parish purchases the gift cards at a discount and sells them at face value. The profit made in sales helps aid the parish in meeting its budget. Cash or check only. More information is available here.
Faith Formation Preschool - for 3, 4 and 5-year-olds held in the parish hall during Faith Formation class time, Sundays 9:45 -11 a.m. Bible stories, crafts and learning about Jesus. Parents must remain in the hall.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast - second Sunday of each month, 9 - 11 a.m. in the parish hall. Join fellow parishioners for a full hot breakfast. Cost $5/person, maximum $20/family.
Stellar Saints - 2nd Thursday of each month. Learn some interesting tidbits about some of the lesser-known saints. The sessions will be available through Zoom. Register to receive the connection information.
The chapel is available for personal prayer. Please stop by the office for access to the chapel where the Lord is sacramentally present.
Pray the Rosary - every Wednesday at 7:30 via Zoom. More information and registration.
Virtual Coffee Hour - reconnect with fellow St. Vincent's parishioners via Zoom - each Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Learn more.
Submit a Prayer Request online and let the St. Vincent de Paul Prayer Warriors lift up your intention. Please no political requests. They will not be posted. See current prayer submissions.
Food Pantry Donations - Items for the Blooming Grove Food Pantry at St. John Neumann Church (705 Route 739) can be dropped off directly at St. John's in the bins to the right as you enter the church or in the wooden bin in the narthex at St. Vincent's. Thanks for your generosity.
Support St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support our parish financially. We know that everyone is experiencing tough times because of what is going on in our country and world. The sacrifice you continue to make is deeply appreciated. If you are unable to assist us financially at this time, please keep us in your prayers.
- Sign up for online giving. WeShare makes the online experience simple and sustainable. WeShare FAQ.
- Place your offering in the stationary, secure box by the Baptismal font when you attend mass.
- Place your offering in the collection basket passed during weekend Masses.
- Place your offering in the locked box on the wall near the parish office door.
- Mail your offertory donation to the parish office at 101 St. Vincent Dr., Milford, PA 18337-9672.